Congrats to THE GAP! (Bonaly Awards)

Just as MRS. HARRISON wraps up Azuka's 2017-2018 season, we're reminded of the show that kicked it off: Emma Goidel's terrifyingly intimate exploration of memory, trauma, and family, THE GAP. Last night, Bonaly Reviews' annual awards presentation -- The Suryas -- honored the production with two awards: Excellent Overall Production, & Excellent Performance for Alice Yorke!  To quote Mark Andrews on Azuka's Facebook page: "Thank you, Bonaly, for recognizing the incredible work of so many area artists. Congrats, The Gap team!"


THE GAP was the first Azuka show I got a behind-the-scenes glance at; I read the script as part of preparing for my first day on co-op back in the fall, and immediately couldn't wait to see it on the stage. It showed me exactly the kind of important work Azuka was dedicated to producing. And yeah, I'm allowed to brag, because I'm just the intern. Sure, I help out here and there, but I'm mostly just geeking out about everything. And, of course, most importantly -- learning from it.

But also geeking out.

I'm very grateful to have gotten to see this show come together, and am so happy for the cast and crew!!


Happy weekend!

- Lucas